Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland

Bachelor of Science in Nursing in MarylandThe Bachelor of Science in Nursing is either an entry-level or a continuing education degree for nurses. Students can enter into these Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programs directly out of high school, transfer in from a community college, or complete them after working for several years as a nurse. The BSN is a four-year degree, although it does not always take that long to complete.

Details of the Top Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland

Programs that offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland come in four basic forms. The first is the conventional BSN degree which students enter without nursing experience. A variation of this is the accelerated BSN, which students enter without nursing experience but with another bachelor’s degree. The third option is a program which can be entered as a transfer student by RNs who already have an associate’s degree, and are usually called RN to BSN programs. The fourth is a ‘bridge’ program enabling students to make the leap directly from LPN to BSN without having to complete an associate’s degree in the middle.

The best online Maryland bachelor of science in nursing degree programs are accredited and well-respected within the nursing community. The University of Maryland has an online option for their RN to BSN program, as well as an on-campus version of the RN to BSN and an on-campus traditional BSN degree. Tuition is based on residency and is approximately $7,000 per year for a full-time resident.

Coppin University also offers an on-campus Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland. Their RN to BSN program is only available on-campus rather than online. Coppin provides another option as well–the accelerated BSN for students with a bachelor’s degree in another field. Coppin tuition is residence-based and is approximately $3,900 per year for a full-time resident.

Financial Aid and Scholarships for the Top Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland

BSN students are usually eligible for all federal and state aid for general undergraduate programs. There are also private scholarships available based on need or merit. Specialized programs that are available only to nursing students are another option.

The Clinical Scholars program at the University of Maryland allows BSN students in their final year to receive free tuition, which makes it more feasible for some to earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland. The selected students do their practicum under the supervision of a supporting agency and after graduation they then work at that agency for one to three years. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and be enrolling in their final practicum course to be eligible.

Non-resident BSN students in Maryland can also apply for the state’s tuition reduction program. In exchange for two to four years of tuition reduction to the in-state amount, students must work an equal number of years in a hospital or clinic after graduation in the state of Maryland. It can be used for both part-time and full-time study.

There are many programs available for earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Maryland, and with a little research you can be sure you will choose the one that best suits your individual needs.

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